SAP Labs Concept Car Team
  • iPad
  • iPhone
  • Cloud
  • On-device
  • Enterprise
  • Commercial
  • Crowd-sourcing
  • Massive data visualization

I created initial wireframes and directed our in-house designer and outside agencies to insure that the final experience remained true to my vision. The final product was either a demo or a presentation of varying formats. Most of these applications were very complex, involving huge amounts of data and the need to parse it for the user in an effective way.

Background & Objectives
The Concept Car Team worked on projects for users across all industries and at all levels of experience. Our charter was to work outside of the established conventions of the existing SAP product line and guidelines. Our success was measured by our innovation, and we were given a top award in a company-wide worldwide competition. Our goal was to create optimal ease of usability, however that was to be achieved, thinking outside the constraints of current technology. However, we tried to to keep our vision grounded in what could be achieved within the next 2-3 years.

I worked with project leads who were in close contact with customers and were able to communicate their needs clearly to me so that I could effectively address the users' needs.

A common challenge was the need to have an application function across devices, say a desktop version which would also interface with an iPad version. This was very interesting and forced me to determine the needs of users on each platform, which were always different. I created use cases to define roles and usage patterns.

Oftentimes there was a tension between the needs of a novice user versus an expert user. This was addressed by creating multiple versions for presentation and discussion and then evaluating their strenghts. Compromises were then made to find a happy middle ground. Often an experience could be designed which would satisfy the needs of an expert user, while gracefully degrading to meet the reduced requirements for a novice user without overwhelming or confusing them. Oftentimes one of the largest challenges was the display of complex, multi-dimensional data in a way that could be easily evaluated. I relied on heuristic research and industry best practices to solve this problem.